As a shareholder, there are legally binding covenants between you and Templemere Residents Society Limited that detail restrictions to any alterations you can make on the estate. A copy of the Scheme of Management is available to download below.

The Templemere Residents Society Limited (TRSL) are managing the impact of renovations and restorations on the estate and now more than ever your Committee intends to actively enforce the covenants, in particular Part 5 of the Scheme. TRSL are doing this because Templemere has Conservation Area status and as a community so this is an important aspect of maintaining and governing the aesthetic, concept and spirit of this Span development.

Get to know the covenants

Scheme of management: Part 5 (3)

Nothing shall be done that may alter the construction or external appearance of or damage the house or any other part of the estate either by the erection of structures… or otherwise.

On the 8th March 2020 the Chairman of TRSL sent a letter to all shareholders informing them that TRSL is empowered to enforce the scheme of management.
A copy of the letter is transcribed below:


Ref: The Templemere Scheme of Management (Covenants)

A number of queries and challenges have been raised by Shareholders relating to the ongoing applicability and validity of the Templemere Scheme of Management (a copy of which is attached).

Templemere Residents Society Limited (TRSL) engaged the services of a lawyer who specialises in residential property law and covenants to address these queries. This letter is to inform all Shareholders of his findings and the intentions of your present Committee.

Key findings:

  1. The Templemere Estate is subject to the Scheme.

  2. Templemere is widely acknowledged to be one of the best maintained of the Span estates, largely owing to the efforts of TRSL.

  3. TRSL is empowered to enforce the Scheme.

  4. Part 5 of the Scheme provides that “nothing shall be done on the estate that may cause inconvenience of annoyance to any resident on the estate or the neighbourhood” and “nothing shall be done that may alter the construction or external appearance of, or damage the house or any other part of the estate, whether by the erection of structures…or otherwise”.

  5. The Scheme remains fully enforceable against owners of properties on the Templemere estate. The existence of the Scheme is well known amongst residents and appears on the website dedicated to the estate (

  6. Paragraph (5) of Part 3 provides that TRSL shall “maintain substantially in the form in which it is now laid out and…not without the consent of TRSL in general meeting cause or permit any alteration to be made to the estate whether by erection of structures or otherwise”.

Your Committee intends to actively enforce the covenants from this date forward, and in particular Part 5 of the Scheme. If any Shareholder is considering introducing a freestanding structure
to their garden (which forms part of the estate) they must advise the Committee in advance, submitting full professionally produced plans, which categorically show that the structure will not be visible above any fences or walls and will therefore not alter the external appearance of the estate. Should there be any subsequent breach of the covenant(s), and immediate remedy will be sought.

Please note that the present Committee is not mindful to enforce the covenants in regard to historic breaches at this time.

All prospective buyers through their solicitors, will be informed of the Scheme of Management and their obligations to adhere to the Scheme should they purchase on Templemere.

The Templemere Style Guide is currently being reviewed and updated, to include guidance on acceptable materials, which should be used during renovation / refurbishment works on
Templemere properties. It does not supersede any element of the Scheme of Management.

Kind regards,
Emaonn Moriarity (Chair) on behalf of Templemere Residents Society Limited

Scheme of management

As a resident it is important you have a copy of this and adhere to the rules in place.

As a prospective buyer it is important you understand the restrictions the covenant imposes on the estate so you are informed about your property purchase.


Submitting plans